Capitol Reception

The state Capitol is the focal point of our beautiful city. What better place to hold a reception for newly-arrived international students and scholars! Early each year MFIS hosts a reception in the State Capitol to welcome them as they arrive for the spring semester. Volunteers spend an afternoon providing a warm introduction to Madison. 

  • Mingle with students and volunteers.
  • Enjoy delicious food.
  • Hear a welcome address by a State Legislator.
  • Tour the Capitol building.



MFIS hosted the Capitol Reception for international students and scholars on Saturday, February 3, 2024. Over 40 students attended, toured the capitol, socialized with MFIS volunteers, and learned about Wisconsin state government.  Many thanks to state senator Kelda Roys who took time from her busy schedule to speak to the attendees in the senate chamber and answer questions about Wisconsin government.

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