
Our Students/Scholars Have Said...

”…She knew I was ill prepared for weather and that dorm cafeteria was closed that day. She arrived, got me some warm clothes, food and got me situated. She even wrote to my mother in Pakistan and told her to not worry as she would be delighted to be mom while I was in Madison.”

“…Our family is an example of immigrant success story, but I will never forget our first days in the new country that were made so much easier by the help of volunteers of MFIS.”

“Being here is an opportunity that comes once in a lifetime. This picnic is a really fun way to start!”

Our Volunteers Have Said...

“A large envelope from France arrived in the mailbox yesterday. It contained pictures of the 6-month old daughter of a MFIS temporary homestay student I hosted three years ago. What a delight, and yet one more reason to be thankful for relationships that are established through the homestay program.”

“Two boys were assigned to us this year—one from India and one from Germany. After eating turkey we spent an hour over the atlas talking languages and countries. I am sending you thanks for sending them to us.

“Best thing that ever happened to me. I was just hosted by my student in France. He is going to be married in October and asked me to be his witness. I am going back there in October.”

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